Prerequisite: Your primary domain ( is hosted on Cloudflare and you are on the Mintlify startup plan or above.

Create Cloudfront Distribution

Navigate to Cloudfront inside the AWS console and click on Create distribution

For the Origin domain, input [SUBDOMAIN] where [SUBDOMAIN] is the project’s unique subdomain. Click on Use: [SUBDOMAIN]

For Cache key and origin requests, select Caching Optimized.

And for Web Application Firewall (WAF), enable security protections

The remaining settings should be default. Click Create distribution.

Add Default Origin

After creating the distribution, navigate to the Origins tab.

We want to find a staging URL that mirrors where the main domain ( This is highly variant depending on how your landing page is hosted.

For instance, if your landing page is hosted on Webflow, you can use the Webflow’s staging URL. It would look like

If you use Vercel, you use the domain available for every project.

If you’re unsure on how to get a staging URL for your landing page, contact support and we’d be happy to help

Once you have the staging URL, ours for instance is, create a new Origin and add it as the Origin domain.

By this point, you should have two Origins - one with [SUBDOMAIN] and another with with staging URL.

Set Behaviors

Behaviors in Cloudfront enables control over the subpath logic. At a high level, we’re looking to create the following logic.

  • If a user lands on /docs, go to [SUBDOMAIN]
  • If a user lands on any other page, go the current landing page

We’re going to create three behaviors by clicking on the Create behavior button.


The first behavior should have a Path pattern of /docs/* with Origin and origin groups pointing to the URL (in our case

For Cache policy, select CachingOptimized and create behavior.


The second behavior should be the same as the first one but with a Path pattern of /docs and Origin and origin groups pointing to the same URL.

Default (*)

Lastly, we’re going to edit the Default (*) behavior.

We’re going to change the default behavior’s Origin and origin groups to the staging URL (in our case

Click on Save changes.

Preview Distribution

You can now test if your distribution is set up properly by going to the General tab and visiting the Distribution domain name URL.

All pages should be directing to your main landing page, but if you append /docs to the URL, you should see it going to the Mintlify documentation instance.

Connecting it with Route53

Now, we’re going to bring the functionality of the Cloudfront distribution into your primary domain.

For this section, you can also refer to AWS’s official guide on Configuring Amazon Route 53 to route traffic to a CloudFront distribution

Navigate to Route53 inside the AWS console, and click into the Hosted zone for your primary domain. Click on Create record

Toggle Alias and then Route traffic to the Alias to CloudFront distribution option.

Click Create records.

You may need to remove the existing A record if one currently exists.

And voila! You should be able to have your documentation served at /docs for your primary domain.